DC Quick Start Systems – Drying & Curing

Retain more terpenes, potency and increase yields on every harvest

Small Batch Quality

The Cannatrol™ DC Quick Start Systems are the only Drying Curing and Storage systems that use the power of vapor pressure to gently dry, cure and hold your harvest at the perfect water activity level.  Reduce labor, increase product terpene and potency – and increase yields.

Patented Vaportrol® Technology assures not only a terrific aesthetic result with superior organoleptic properties, but can keep your harvest free of pests and mold (both visible and invisible) that can destroy a harvest – or worse.  Every system ships with an integral scale system to help you monitor water weight loss and reach the perfect water activity level, so you will never over-dry your harvest.

We have Quick Start systems that can handle from 180 to 720 pounds of wet flower per run. (36-144 pounds dry). A cycle might last anywhere from 8-10 days depending on the cultivar and your personal preferences.

Shipped to your facility as a ready to assemble kit, these units can be assembled in about 1 day. Use multiple units to meet the demands of a daily harvest!

Fully Custom Control

The central monitoring panel (7″ color touch screen) gives you all the data you’ll need to manage the process. Fully customizable, you can set up to 5 unique environmental conditions and the system will automatically ramp between settings over the specified time.

Our proprietary “Vaportrol Driver” keeps the system in control throughout your cycle and beyond for storage. The system can be easily accessed via desktop or phone on the IOS and Android apps.

Water Activity, Increased Yield and Quick ROI

When flower is dried to the correct water activity level it will remain supple and sticky and terpenes and potency will be retained. Water activity is an important measure not only for cannabis producers, but in food and any preservation environment where mold might grow. When flower is dried, cured and held at a stable water activity level between 0.6 and 0.65, the maximum level of ‘bound’ moisture is retained -without danger of mold growth. Cannatrol Systems provide a level of control to achieve the optimal water activity level – every harvest – consistently and never over dried.

Testing proves that even a small shift in water activity can have a dramatic impact on profitability. An increase in water activity from 0.5 to 0.6 can result in as much as a 5.6% increase in profitability. Couple the yield increase with potential labor savings and premium pricing for a significant improvement in profit.


Easy to Assemble Turnkey Kits

Every Cannatrol DC Kit Includes:

  • Complete High R-Value 4″ Food Grade Cam Lock Panel System
  • Insulated Door with Security Lock
  • Vaportrol® Equipped Cooling Coils
  • Cleanable, Food Grade Anti Microbial Fabric Duct System
  • Complete Air Management/Movement System
  • Cannatrol Touch Screen Control
  • Sterile Humidification System
  • Electric Heaters
  • LED Light
  • Complete Cold Water Chiller System
  • Integrated Scale
  • Remote monitoring capability

Talk to us to find out more about DC Quick Start Systems – Drying & Curing

Our Cannatrol Product Managers can help you with all your questions.

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