PathoSEEK® HLVd / LCV / CCV Virus Multiplex Assay Starter Bundle

The PathoSEEK® Cannabis Virus Multiplex Detection Assay A is a reverse-transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) assay that screens for the presence of Hop Latent Viroid, Lettuce Chlorosis Virus, and Cannabis Cryptic Virus. These are three viruses commonly found in cannabis and hemp that can impact yield. All three targets are tested in a single PCR reaction.

This starter bundle will provide all the necessary reagents to get started testing for these viruses.

  • Pure Prep Solution (96 rxn pre-aliquoted)
  • RT-qPCR Master Kit v2 (120 rxns)
  • Multiplex Virus Assay Panel A (200 rxns)
  • Positive Controls for HLVd, LCV, and CCV (50 rxns)

Please note this multiple assay requires the following optical channels on your qPCR instrument:

  • Hop Latent Viroid is on the FAM channel
  • Lettuce Chlorosis Virus is on the ROX (Texas Red) channel
  • Cannabis Cryptic Virus is on the CY5 channel
  • Cannabis Internal Control is on the HEX channel

Talk to us to find out more about PathoSEEK® HLVd / LCV / CCV Virus Multiplex Assay Starter Bundle

Our Medicinal Genomics Product Managers can help you with all your questions.

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